AST-1010 - Introduction to Astronomy* (S) (3) Prerequisite: MTH-0994 or MTH-0950 or MTH-0970 ; and Reading Placement; or RDG-0800; or take one of the following: IRW-0900A ; IRW-0900B ; IRW-0900C Students study the sun, moon, planets, stars and nebulae, galaxies, and evolution of the universe. AST-1010 fulfills the General Studies science requirement. This course satisfies the General Education Physical Science requirement.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Define important astronomical terms.
CO2 - Explain the current scientific model to describe the origin of the solar system.
CO3 - Define how scientific models are constructed and used.
CO4 - Explain the details of the heliocentric model of the solar system.
CO5 - Describe the gross composition, relative sizes, and location of the plans, asteroids, comets and major moons of the solar system.
CO6 - Articulate the current scientific model that describes the life cycle of stars.
CO7 - Explain the basics of the current theory of the age, origin and evolution of the universe.
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