BIO-1020 - Zoology* (S) (3) Prerequisite: Reading Placement; or RDG-0800; or take one of the following: IRW-0900A ; IRW-0900B ; IRW-0900C In this introductory biology course for nonscience majors, students explore the structure and function of animals at the molecular, cellular and organismal level. In addition, they examine classification and evolution of the animal kingdom. Credit for this course may be earned through Advanced Placement Examination. For students in the Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences program, credit may not be earned for both BIO 1020 and BIO 1060. This course satisfies the General Education Biological Science requirement.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Understand and apply the scientific method.
CO2 - Understand the basics of taxonomy as it pertains to the Animal Kingdom and its diversity.
CO3 - Understand basic chemistry and cellular biology.
CO4 - Discuss theory of evolution by natural selection.
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