SPA-2020 - Intermediate Spanish II* (H, C) (3) Prerequisite: SPA-2010 In this continuation of SPA-2010 , students refine their ability to speak, read, and write Spanish. Students read selections from contemporary Hispanic authors, write short essays about the literature, and present them in class. The class is conducted primarily in Spanish. This course satisfies the General Education Humanities requirement and the Core Competency for Cultural and Global Awareness.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1- Write in Spanish with an intermediate-mid or higher level of fluency using intermediate level phrases and grammar structures, vocabulary and accentuation.
CO2- Read and comprehend readings in Spanish at the intermediate-mid level or higher level.
CO3- Demonstrate intermediate-mid or higher fluency in listening comprehension skills.
CO4- Demonstrate intermediate-mid or higher pattern of speech and oral expression with accurate pronunciation.
CO5- Gain a general understanding and appreciation of the history, culture and traditions of Spanish speaking countries by identifying and describing aspects of the Spanish Speaking culture covered in the course.
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