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    Mar 31, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

Support Services

Advising, Career, and Transfer Services

Maintaining contact with a CSM Academic and Career Advisor will ensure you are meeting your program requirements and accomplishing your personal goals.  CSM advisors can assist with: 

  •  Program Selection
  •  Course Selection
  •  Transfer Information
  •  Graduation Requirements
  •  Student Planning 
  •  Student Progress
  •  General Career Services
  •  Questions about classes, instructors, grades, and more

Students are required to consult with an advisor prior to registering for their first semester, again at 18 credits and then again by 36 credits.  If you are at this milestone at the time of registration, you will receive notification in student planning stating that it is time for your program review.  Until meeting with an advisor you will be unable to use online services to register for classes.  Students can consult with an academic advisor by making an appointment or walking in during open hours at any location.  Go to for additional resources or for advising hours of operation.

Career Services

A variety of services are available to assist students and job seekers as they make career and employment decisions. Learn more at

Career Planning and Decision Making

Career satisfaction is directly related to how well students can define themselves and match their careers to their own interests, values, and skill sets. Academic and Career Advisors work with students one-on-one, using a variety of self-assessment tools. For more in-depth research, the college offers a three-credit course, Career Decision Making and Life Planning (STU 1050 ). A computerized guidance program helps develop structured career decision-making skills and a reference library is available for researching specific occupations.

Job Search Assistance

Job Connection via College Central Network is a quick and easy way to connect to current local or regional job openings. They are free for students, alumni, and community members. Academic & Career Advisors can assist in resume preparation, interviewing, and identifying skills. In addition, each fall and spring the college hosts the Tri-County Job and Career Fair on the La Plata Campus.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative education (co-op) is an academic course that allows the student to combine classroom theory with supervised work experience in a professional environment. This experience can be full-time or part-time in a paid or non-paid format. Co-op sites include public and private sector employers as well as government agencies. Students are required to work 225 hours for each three-credit co-op course. The co-op opportunity is available for students who are already employed in their field of study as well as those seeking entry into employment related to their program of study:

  • Students already employed in their field of study should provide a current position description and submit a complete intake form to Career Services at least eight weeks prior to the start of the semester. This form is available on the website at
  • Students who are not currently employed or volunteering in their field of study are advised to complete the co-op intake form and contact Advising & Career Services (ACS) at least eight weeks prior to the semester they wish to enroll. Academic & Career Advisors can assist students with resume construction and job search information. Students may use that assistance as they locate a site for their co-op experience. It is the responsibility of the student to secure a position (paid or volunteer).

Students planning to transfer to another college should contact that institution to assure transferability of credits for co-op courses. Additional information, specific to each co-op course, is available on the web at

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

The Career and Technical Education program allows students to earn college credits through a sequence of academic and technical coursework while still enrolled in high school. Students successfully completing a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program in High School may receive articulated credits which are applicable to designated letters of recognition, certificates, and associate of applied science degrees in a career field at CSM at no cost! For more information, see the college’s website at

College Preparatory

Some students who come to college have been out of school for a few years, are changing life or career goals, have not taken college preparatory courses, have not performed as well in high school as they would have liked, or for personal reasons wish to improve basic skills. Recognizing this, the college offers these students college preparatory courses in English, mathematics, reading and study skills so that they may improve skills without having to delay attending college.

Placement tests are available to assist students in determining skill strengths and weaknesses. Advisors, faculty, and Learning Support Services staff are available to help students determine the specific skill-building courses they need. In some cases, students are limited in the number of courses they may attempt and need to complete the appropriate skill-building courses before being admitted to a degree or certificate program. In others, students may take some college-level courses concurrently with skill-building courses.  College preparatory courses do not carry credit and may not be counted toward any degree or certificate program. However, since they have credit equivalency, college preparatory courses do count toward eligibility for student financial assistance and intercollegiate athletics.

College Stores

CSM boasts a College Store on each of the three campuses with locations on the La Plata Campus in the Bookstore (BK) Building, the Prince Frederick Campus in the John E. Harms Academic Center (Building A), and the Leonardtown Campus in Building B. Whether students are looking for CSM apparel, textbooks (only available online and at the La Plata campus), or school supplies, the CSM College Store has it all! Visit for all your textbook needs, including new, used, and digital textbooks, as well as school supplies, computers, and CSM swag. Home delivery and free in-store or locker pick up are available. Be sure to check out our selections of snacks, sandwiches, and drinks, CSM spirit wear, and supplies at one of the three College Store locations where dedicated staff are always ready to be of assistance.

Counseling Services

The transition to college can be quite a stressful adjustment for many students.  Learning how to successfully balance the demands of academics, work, social life, and family can be overwhelming. CSM has two licensed mental health clinicians who offer counseling for currently enrolled students. The counseling approach is from a wellness/wholeness perspective and is designed to be brief and effective. Up to eight free sessions are offered per semester.  Counseling is offered on an in-person and virtual basis for the students’ convenience. Counseling Services is part of the Office of Student Affairs.  On the La Plata Campus the counseling office is located in the Administration (AD) Building, Room 205F,  and on the Leonardtown Campus in Building C, Room 207D.  For additional information, or to make an appointment, contact CSM Counseling Services at the following campuses: La Plata  301-934-7577, Leonardtown 240-725-5328; or visit the counseling website at

CSM Alumni and Friends Connection

The CSM Alumni and Friends Connection promotes the welfare of CSM through the support of its alumni members. The association enables alumni to network, keep in touch with friends, attend special alumni and college events, and stay informed with the recent accomplishments of CSM’s students and programs. The goal of CSM Alumni and Friends Connection is to provide a wide range of educational, social, and volunteer programs at CSM. Opportunities are designed to promote lifelong learning and networking for alumni. Membership is free and open to all students with 25 or more credits from CSM, or to those who have received a degree or certificate from CSM.

To find out more about the CSM Alumni and Friends Connection or to join, call 301-934-7599, or email  For more information, visit

CSM Mobile App

Make life as a student easier with the College of Southern Maryland Mobile App, available for Android and iOS. With the app, students can access everything about CSM, from news and events to maps of the campuses. Students can organize class schedules, add to-do lists, and more. Students can also chat with fellow students, share events, manage classes, and find out more about clubs and organizations. Find the app on iTunes or in the Google Play store today.

Disability Support Services 

The College of Southern Maryland is committed to qualified individuals with disabilities that request reasonable accommodations to have equally effective opportunities to participate in and benefit from the college’s programs, services, and activities.

Three campuses have a Disability Support Services office that is responsible for verifying disabilities, evaluating documentation, and recommending reasonable accommodations and services for students with impairment(s).

The Office of Disability Support Services coordinates services to assist students with disabilities in obtaining reasonable accommodations through an interactive process.

Students may request accommodations by filling out the appropriate form(s) and contacting Disability Support Services at the nearest campus. Request for services/accommodations is voluntary and must be made each semester the student is enrolled and seeking accommodation(s).

Maryland Relay: 1-800-552-7724 or 711

First Year Experience

First Year Experience

The First Year Experience is academic and student success programming designed to help students transition into college, and to challenge students to meet academic and personal goals.  Whether a student is working toward a two-year degree to transfer to a four-year institution, working toward a credential to enter the workforce, or pursuing academic enrichment, the first year is a critical time to connect and engage with other students and faculty.  For more information, visit

First Year Seminar  (FYS-1010)

The First Year Seminar is a college course designed to connect students with academic and social resources for success, strengthen critical thinking skills, build student and faculty connections through shared learning experiences, expose students to our diverse campus community, connect students with an academic advisor, and engage students in considering a career focus and transfer opportunities within guided pathways.  

 Food Assistance

Hawk Pantry

The Hawk Pantry is a weekly opportunity for CSM students or employees experiencing food insecurity to receive safely stored canned and packaged food items at no cost.  Pantries are located on the La Plata, Leonardtown,  Prince Frederick, and Regional Hughesville campuses.  Students are required to show their CSM student ID card or a copy of their current registration statement.  CSM employees must show their faculty/staff ID. For campus locations and hours, visit

Food Services

Located on the La Plata Campus in the BK Building next to the CSM College Store, Clarity Coffee House at the College of Southern Maryland features an array of coffee drinks and house specialty beverages, including in-house specials such as the Clarity Latin Latte, Cinnamon Roll Lattes, Café Mochas, and hot chocolate. It serves espresso beverages with cappuccinos, shot-in-the-darks and macchiatos, as well as, a rich assortment of teas, iced coffees, chai lattes, iced teas, and refresher drinks that are all made fresh in-house. Seasonal drinks include lemonade and hot apple cider. Pour-overs, cold brews, smoothies, and frappes are also on the menu.

Snacks and cold beverages are sold in vending machines throughout most buildings, as well as, the CSM College Stores at the La Plata, Leonardtown, and Prince Frederick campuses. Questions about vending should be directed to the College Store on the campus.

Hawk Hub

Are you unsure of what you need or who you need to speak to?  If so, start with the Hawk Hub! The Student Engagement team staffs our Hawk Hubs at all campuses which provides students with one-on-one “concierge service” and will assists with all college navigation.

Services Available:

  • Answer general questions i.e, class locations, bookstore hours, directing to Bursar, Financial Aid and more.
  • Scheduling assistance for appointments with advisors/placing in queue and general triage
  • Assist with transcript requests, Continuing Education registration, or Enrollment Verifications
  • Guidance with Student Planning
  • Navigation of myCSMD account so that you may view your progress, see course requirements and register yourself for courses

Learn more by calling the Hawk Hub at 301-934-7574.

Housing Assistance

Housing opportunities can be found using the CSM Mobile App.  There is a sub-category inside the App named, “Housing” and it lists all active rental properties.  Students may also post on the App if they are looking for housing opportunities.

Learning Support Services

The College of Southern Maryland’s Learning Support Services provides comprehensive academic support services for students.  Services include peer and online tutoring, skills improvement software and testing.  For more information, visit Learning Support Services at the La Plata,  Leonardtown, or Prince Frederick campuses.

Library Services

CSM Libraries provide services and resources to support the academic and career courses of the college. Library staff offer help in obtaining information, using library resources, and conducting research. We encourage students to ask for individual research assistance when needed.

Library collections include college-level research databases, reference materials, course reserves, books, and periodicals in both print and digital formats. Research databases are available for completing research in many subject areas. Students enrolled in credit courses have off-campus access to the library research databases. Within the libraries, computer workstations are available to access many resources including Internet and course-related software.

Currently registered students may check out library circulating materials and course reserve items by presenting their student identification card which may be obtained at the library after presenting proper photo identification.

CSM Libraries participate in the Maryland Community College Library Consortium and the Maryland Interlibrary Loan programs making it possible for students to borrow materials owned by other academic libraries in Maryland. This free service enables the pursuit of research beyond the limits of any one library, and library staff can assist in identifying appropriate materials through interlibrary loan. 

The College of Southern Maryland Library maintains locations at the La Plata, Leonardtown, and Prince Frederick campuses. For more information, visit

Library Fines

College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Libraries do not charge fines or processing fees for most* overdue items. *Exceptions may include Course Reserve Items (typically faculty-owned items) and Electronic Devices.

CSM Library materials are the property of the College of Southern Maryland. Library users are responsible for the care and return of these items. Students, faculty, staff, and community patrons who lose or damage library items must pay a replacement cost determined by current market valuation. Library users may provide another copy of the items in good condition as a replacement.

Students, faculty, staff and community patrons with overdue library items, including course reserves, may experience an internal library hold on their borrowing privileges preventing additional item check-outs. The internal library hold will be cleared when the overdue items are returned/replaced by the patron.

Online Services

The college’s Online Services, through my.CSMD, provides students with a convenient method to register for classes and access information about their student bills, financial assistance, schedule of classes, apply for graduation, request a transcript or enrollment verification and other student services. Online Services can be accessed at


Online Orientation

The College of Southern Maryland offers new students an online orientation that will cover the important aspects of being a student at the College of Southern Maryland.  These aspects include educational programs, guided pathways, student life activities, and the many technological resources students will use to complete coursework, communicate with staff and faculty, and be successful.  The online orientation can be found on the landing page after a student logs into their my.CSMD account.

Transfer Services

Transfer Services offers many activities, services, and resources specifically designed to increase awareness among all students, and to inform transfer-bound students about their options. Visit us on the web at

College Representatives

Representatives from four-year colleges and universities visit CSM regularly to advise students individually and provide information pertaining to transfer eligibility, program requirements, admissions policies, and financial aid. In addition, Transfer Services offers a Transfer Fair each September and February. A Transfer Fair gives students an opportunity to meet with representatives from other colleges on campus.

Transportation Assistance

CSM Connector Bus Service

CSM Connector provides free bus service between the tri-county transportation hub in Charlotte Hall, the Regional Hughesville Campus, and the La Plata Campus:

There are three additional options available to students who do not have a car and need transportation to a college campus:

  • For those interested in a ride-share service, students can use the CSM Mobile App.  There is a sub-category named, “Ride Sharing” where students are able to connect with each other regarding finding ride to/from each campus. 
  • The local governments offer transportation to the La Plata, Prince Frederick, and Leonardtown campuses for students in need of transportation assistance. There is a small fare for the service.
  • The Regional Ride share of Southern Maryland assists tri-county area residents and commuters in organizing carpools. The Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland provides a free computerized matchlist to applicants as well as transportation information, schedules, rates, and services for Southern Maryland.

Veteran and Military Support Services

At the College of Southern Maryland, we take pride in partnering with veterans and military-dependent students to make sure you get the most of the veterans benefits available to you. The commitment is so important to us that we have been identified as a veteran- and military-friendly institution. We have Veterans Affairs staff available on three campuses and a Student Veterans Resource Lounge on the La Plata Campus.

If you’re a veteran or military-dependent student and are curious about what benefits are available to you or how to apply for them, visit

Wellness Opportunities

CSM encourages both its students and employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Wellness and fitness exercise classes are offered to assist individuals in maintaining optimal levels of health and well-being.   

La Plata Campus Fitness Center

Hours of operation are Monday - Friday | 6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. for members only. Membership is reserved for current students (enrolled and attending), faculty and staff.  All are required to complete the online form at to get started.

Once status has been confirmed, an email will be sent to the member with additional paperwork and instructions on how to pick up their key tag.  Please note student memberships are good for one semester and verification will need to take place again each semester.

Activities in the PE Building of the La Plata Campus are also scheduled throughout each semester including a variety of intramural sports, “Bikes and Beats”, dodge ball, pickleball and open gym.  You must be a member of the La Plata Campus Fitness Center to participate and the schedule can be found here

Leonardtown Campus

Under an agreement with CSM and the St. Mary’s County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) the county’s Department of Recreation and Parks now manages the Wellness and Aquatics Center at the Leonardtown Campus (Building D).  For information about free memberships for students and employees visit

As part of CSM’s agreement with St. Mary’s County Department of Recreation and Parks, all current CSM students and employees can use the pool and fitness center on the Leonardtown Campus during specified hours of operation.

Before using the facility, CSM students are required to verify their currently enrolled status by completing an online form. After status has been approved, an email notification will be sent to provide directions on how to pick up the pass at the Wellness and Aquatics Center welcome desk. Please note that the pass is good for one semester and verification will need to be completed each semester.

CSM pass holders will have free access at the following times (times subject to change):

  • Weight Room: Monday - Friday | 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Pool - Open Swim (subject to change based on programming): Monday - Friday | 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

To learn more about St. Mary’s County Recreation and Parks Wellness and Aquatic Center programming, services, membership, and reservations, visit The center staff can be contacted at 301-475-4200, ext. 1821 or