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    Mar 31, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025


Appendix I - Advanced Placement Exams

Advanced Placement



Course Equivalent(s)

African American Studies 3-5 3  LAN Elective (can be used to fulfill the Humanities General Education requirement and Cultural and Global Awareness Core Requirement)

Art History




  3-5 3  ART-1010    




 BIO-1010  /BIO-1010L   or BIO-1020  /BIO-1020L  



 Choose Two Courses: BIO-1010  /BIO-1010L  or BIO-1020  /BIO-1020L  or BIO-1060  /BIO-1060L     



 Choose Two Courses: BIO-1010  /BIO-1010L  , BIO-1020  /BIO-1020L  , BIO-1060  /BIO-1060L  , BIO-1070  /BIO-1070L   

Chemistry 3 4  CHE-1200  /CHE-1200L    


4 or 5


 CHE-1200  /CHE-1200L  and CHE-1210  /CHE-1210L    

Chinese Language and Culture

3 3  LAN Elective
  4-5 6  LAN Elective
Comparative Government and Politics 3-5 3  POL-1050  

Computer Science 




      Computer Science A




      Principles 3-5 3  ITS-1055  





      Macro 3 3  ECN-1200  





      Micro 3 3  ECN-1200   









      Literature and Composition




      Language and Composition




Environmental Sciences



 ENV-1300  /ENV-1300L    

European History





 Humanities General Education Elective

 Humanities General Education Elective

French Language and Culture



 LAN Elective

German Language and Culture





 LAN Elective

 LAN Elective

Human Geography




Italian Language and Culture





 LAN Elective

 LAN Elective

Japanese Language and Culture






 LAN Elective

 LAN Elective







 LAN Elective

 LAN Elective





      CALC AB




      CALC BC



 MTH-1200  and MTH-1210   

      Pre-Calculus 3-5 4  MTH-1150  





 Music Theory

3, 4 or 5


 Music Elective





    PHY C Part I - Mechanics 3-5 4  PHY-1310                                                                                                                                                 

    PHY C Part II - Electricity and Magnetism




    Physics - 1




    Physics - 2 3-5 4  PHY-1120   





Spanish Language and Culture



 SPA-1010  and SPA-1020   



 SPA-2010  and SPA-2020   

Studio Art




World History: Modern




United States Government and Politics




United States History



 HST-1031  or HST-1032  

Appendix II - Cambridge Assessment International

AICE Exam Name Passing Score AS Level Credit Awarded For CSM Course A Level Credit Award  for CSM Course
Credit Course Equivalent(s) Credit Course Equivalent(s)
Accounting A-C 3  ACC-2010   6  ACC-2010  , ACC-2020  
Biology A-B 4  BIO-1060 /BIO-1060L   8  BIO-1060  /BIO-1060L  , BIO-1070  /BIO-1070L   
Business A-C 3  BAD-1015   3  BAD-1015   
Chemistry A-B 4  CHE-1200 /CHE-1200L   8  CHE-1200  /CHE-1200L  , CHE-1210  /CHE-1210L   
Economics A-C 3  ECN-2020   6  ECN-2020  , ECN-2025   
English - Language OR A-C 3  ENG Elective 6  ENG-1010  , ENG-1020  
Language & Literature A-C 3  ENG Elective 6  ENG-1010  , ENG-1020  
English Literature A-C 3  ENG Elective 6  ENG-2010  , ENG Elective
History-American A-C 3  HST Elective 6  HST-1031  , HST-1032  
History  A-C 3  HST Elective 3  HST-1015  
Mathematics A-D 3  MTH-1010   6  MTH 1010 , MTH-1015  
Music A-D 3  MUS-1020   3  MUS-1020  
Physics A-B 4  PHY-1110   8  PHY-1110  , PHY-1120  
Psychology A-C 3  PSY Elective 3  PSY-1010  
Sociology A-C 3  SOC Elective 3  SOC-1010  
Spanish A-C 3  SPA Elective 6  SPA-1020  , SPA-2010  

Appendix III - CLEP 

CLEP General Examinations: No credits may be earned by taking the CLEP general examinations.

CLEP and DSST (formerly DANTES) Subject Examinations: These college-level subject examinations have been approved for credit in specific courses at the College of Southern Maryland:

CLEP and DSST scores and subject exam names may change. See the college’s website at


CLEP Subject Exam Name

 Acceptable Score   Credit 

Course Equivalent(s)

Financial Accounting




Principles of Management




Introductory Business Law

50 3


Principles of Marketing

50 3



50 3

BIO Elective


50 3


Principles of Macroeconomics

50 3


Principles of Microeconomics

50 3


College Composition

50 3


*College Composition Modular

50 3


Analyzing and Interpreting Literature

50 3


English Literature

50 6

ENG-2010  and ENG-2020  

American Literature

50 6

ENG-2200  and ENG-2210  

French Language - Level I

50 3

LAN Elective

French Language - Level II

62 3

LAN Elective

French Language - Level II

50 3

LAN Elective 

Western Civilization I: Ancient Far East to 1648

50 3


Western Civilization II: 1648 to present

50 3

HST Elective

History of the United States I: Early Colonizations to 1877

50 3


History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present

50 3



50 3

Humanities General Education Elective

*Social Sciences and History

50 3

HST Elective

Information Systems and Computer Applications

50 3


German Language - Level 1

50 3

LAN Elective

German Language - Level II

62 3

LAN Elective

College Mathematics

50 3


College Algebra

50 3



50 4



50 4


American Government      

50 3


Introductory Psychology

50 3


Human Growth and Development

50 3


*Introduction to Educational Psychology

50 3

PSY Elective

Natural Sciences

50 3

SCE Elective

Introductory Sociology

50 3


Spanish Language - Level I

50 6

SPA-1010  and SPA-1020  

Spanish Language - Level II

63 3


Spanish Language - Level III

72 3


Appendix IV - International Baccalaureate (IB)

Subject Area Exam Title/Exam Level Score Credit CSM Equivalent(s)
Anthropology Social and Cultural Anthropology-Higher  5,6,7 3  SOC Elective
Arts Visual Arts-Higher 5,6,7 3  ART-1030  
Biology Biology-Standard 5,6,7 3  BIO Elective
Biology Biology-Higher 5,6,7 4  BIO-1060  /BIO-1060L  
Business Business-Standard & Higher 5,6,7 3  BAD Elective
Chemistry Chemistry-Standard 5,6,7 3  CHE-1050   
Chemistry Chemistry-Higher 5,6,7 4  CHE-1200  /CHE-1200L   
Chinese Chinese-Standard 5,6,7 3  LAN Elective
Chinese Chinese-Higher 5 3  LAN Elective
Chinese Chinese-Higher 6,7 6  LAN Elective
Computer Science Computer Science-Standard & Higher 5,6,7 8  CSC-2591  /CSC-2592  
Design Technology  Design Techology-Standard & Higher 5,6,7 3  ART Elective
Economics Economics-Standard 5,6,7 3  ECN-1200   
Economics Economics-Higher 5,6,7 6  ECN-1200  /ECN-2025  
English English A Literature-Standard 5,6,7 3  ENG Elective
English English A Literature-Higher 5,6,7 3  ENG Elective
Environmental Science   Environmental Science and Societies-Standard  5,6,7 3  ENV-1300  
Film  Film-Higher 5,6,7 3  ENG Elective
French French-Standard 5,6,7 3  LAN Elective
French French-Higher 5,6,7 6  LAN Elective
Geography Geography-Standard 5,6,7 3  GRY-1020  
Geography Geography-Higher 5,6,7 6  GRY-1020  /GRY Elective
German German-Standard 5,6,7 3  LAN Elective
German German-Higher 5 3  LAN Elective
German German-Higher 6,7 6  LAN Elective
Health Health-Standard 5,6,7 3  WFS-1701   
History History-Standard 5,6,7 3  HST Elective
History History-Higher 5,6,7 6  HST Elective
Information Techology Information Technology in a Global Society-Standard or Higher  5,6,7 3  ITS Elective
Italian  Italian-Standard or Higher 5,6,7 3  LAN Elective
Latin Latin-Standard or Higher 5,6,7 3  LAN Elective
Mathematics Mathematical Methods 4,5,6,7 3  MTH-1010  
Music Music-Standard 5,6,7 3  MUS-1020  
Music Music-Higher 5,6,7 3  MUS-1020  
Philosophy Philosophy-Standard 5,6,7 3  PHL-1010  
Philosophy Philosophy-Higher 5,6,7 6  PHL-1010  /PHL Elective 
Physics Physics-Standard 5,6,7 3  PHY Elective
Physics Physics-Higher 5,6,7 4  PHY-1110  
Psychology Psychology-Standard 5,6,7 3  PSY-1010  
Psychology Psychology-Higher 5,6,7 6  PSY-1010  /PSY Elective
Russian Russian-Standard 5,6,7 3  LAN Elective
Russian  Russian-Higher 5,6,7 6  LAN Elective
Spanish Spanish-Standard 5 3  SPA-2010  
Spanish Spanish-Standard 6,7 6  SPA-2010  /SPA-2050  
Spanish Spanish-Higher 5 6  SPA-2010  /SPA-2020  
Spanish Spanish-Higher 6,7 9  SPA-2010  /SPA-2020  /SPA-2050  
Theatre Theatre-Standard 5,6,7 3  THE-1010  
Theatre Theatre-Higher 5,6,7 3  THE-1010  

Appendix V - DSST (formerly DANTES)

DSST Subject Examinations: These college-level subject examinations have been approved for credit in specific courses at the CSM.

DSST scores and subject exam names may change. See the college’s website at


      DSST Subject Exam Name

 Acceptable Score 


 Course Equivalent(s)

Personal Finance

400 3


*Principles of Finance

400 3



400 3


Money and Banking

400 3

BAD Elective

Introduction to Business

400 3


*Principles of Supervisor

400 3


Business Mathematics

400 3


Human Resource Management

400 3


Organizational Behavior

400 3


Criminal Justice

400 3

CJS 1015  

Environmental Science

400 4

ENV-1300  /ENV-1300L  

*Management Information Systems

400 3

ITS Elective

Computing and Information Technology

400 3


*Fundmental of Cybersecurity

400 3 ITS-1055  

*Principles of Physical Science I

400 3

PHY Elective

Appendix VI - Departmental Examinations

 BIO-1040 /BIO-1040L    BIO-2800 
 BIO-1060 /BIO-1060L    EDU 1012 *
 BIO-1070 /BIO-1070L    EDU 1013 *
 BIO-2160    EDU 1110 *
 BIO-2170   ENV-1300 /ENV-1300L  

* Prior approval must be received by Early Childhood Development program coordinator.

Appendix VII - Residency Policy  


The residence status of students is determined at the time of admission to the college. Students will be considered in-county residents if they or the person who contributes more than one half of the student’s financial support maintain legal domicile in Charles County, Calvert County, or St. Mary’s County and have done so for a period of not less than three months prior to the date of admission to the college.  Some non-immigrant visa holders and students without a valid status are not eligible to claim in-county residency, and they are subject to out-of-state tuition rates.

Students will be considered in-state residents if they or the person who contributes more than one half of the student’s financial support have maintained legal domicile in other parts of the state for not less than three months. Otherwise, the student shall be considered an out-of-state resident. Once residency requirements have been met, the student may petition to change the residency decision by completing a Residency Status Change Form as well as providing the appropriate Proof of Domicile documentation to the Admissions Department. Forms are available in the Admissions Department and online at and should be returned to the Admissions Department.


For tuition purposes, domicile may be defined as a person’s permanent place of abode, where physical presence and possessions are maintained and where he or she intends to remain indefinitely; or the permanent place of abode of any person or persons contributing more than one half of the student’s financial support during the most recently completed year.

Proof of Domicile

At the time of admission, students will indicate their residency status. If information is received that would contradict or call into question the validity of the residency status, the student will be asked to provide proof of domicile and registration will be restricted until the question is resolved.

The college shall consider any or all of the following as factual bases for determining residency and will require two forms of evidence for substantiation:

  1. Ownership or rental of local living quarters to show substantially uninterrupted physical presence, including the months when the student is not in attendance at the college

  2. Pay stub with address or savings/investments statements

  3. A copy of federal and Maryland state income taxes on all income earned

  4. Registration to vote in the state and county

  5. Registration of a motor vehicle in the state, with a local address specified, if the person owns such a vehicle

  6. Possession of a valid Maryland driver’s license, with a local address specified, if the person is licensed anywhere to drive a motor vehicle

  7. Military orders

Change and Appeal of Residency Classification

A student shall be provided the opportunity to request a change in residency classification by submitting the Contact Information and Residency Status Update Change Form found on the Admissions Forms web page and supporting Proof of Domicile evidence sited above. This form and documentation should be returned to the Admissions Department not later than the start date of the course(s) for which the residency status change is being requested. Residency changes are not retroactive for prior semesters attended. Change of physical address does not constitute automatic change of residency to in-county.  The Contact Information and Residency Status Update Form and evidence must be submitted to change residency to in-county.  A change of address to an out-of-service area (not within Charles, Calvert, or St. Mary’s Counties) will result in automatic residency change to in-state residency.

Nonresident Programs

Statewide Program

If any student is a resident of this state and enrolls in an instructional program that has been designated by the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) as a statewide or regional program, the student shall pay only the student tuition and fees payable by a resident of the county that supports the community college. Students enrolling in a statewide program are eligible for the in-county tuition rate if the designated statewide program is not available at the community college in the student’s county of residence, or the program at the community college in the student’s county of residence has reached the program’s capacity. Students enrolling in a CSM statewide designated program must complete additional forms for verification of eligibility. These forms are available through the Admissions Department and must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the payment of tuition. A list of statewide programs can be found in Appendix XII. An up-to-date list can be found on the MHEC web site at

Health Manpower Program

A Maryland resident from outside Calvert, Charles, or St. Mary’s counties who enrolls in an instructional program that has been designated by the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) as a health manpower shortage program, may be eligible for reduced tuition rates - pending State funding. Out-of-county students enrolling in a Health Manpower Shortage Program are required to pay out-of-county rates at the time of registration. If the State of Maryland funds this program, the College will apply State funds to a student’s account and issue any appropriate refunds in accordance with College policies and procedures.  A list of designated programs, effective in January 2010, is included in Appendix XIII. An up-to-date list can be found on the MHEC web site at Students applying for designated programs must contact the Admissions Department for application information.

Out-of-State Nursing Students

Out-of-state nursing students may be considered residents for tuition purposes under the conditions set forth in COMAR 13B.07.02.03.G.

Contract Training

A student enrolled in a course contracted between the college and a business or industry that maintains facilities, operates, or does business in the state may be considered a Maryland resident or county resident for tuition purposes.

Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014, as amended by Public Law 114-315 Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2016, and Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020.

As amended 38 U.S.C 3679(c) and sections 3510 require the following individuals be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fee purposes:

A veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill ® - Active-Duty Program), Chapter 31 (Veteran Readiness and Employment), or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill ®), of title 38, United States Code, who lives in the state of Maryland, in which the institution is located (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).

A dependent or spouse using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill ® benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) or Chapter 35 (Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program [DEA], who lives in the state of Maryland, in which the institution is located (regardless of their formal State of residence).

Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in the state of Maryland, in which the institution is located (regardless of their formal State of residence).

Anyone using benefits under Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill ®- Active-Duty Program) who lives in the state in which the institution is located (regardless of their formal State of residence).

Anyone using benefits under Chapter 31 (Veteran Readiness and Employment) who lives in the state in which the institution is located (regardless of their formal State of residence).

Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Section 103 of Public Law 115-407

In accordance with Section 103 of Public Law 115-407, College of Southern Maryland will not:

  • Charge late fees on the portion of tuition and fees billable to the VA while VA tuition and fees payment is pending;
  • Withdraw the student for non-payment of the portion of tuition and fees billable to the VA while VA tuition and fees payment is pending;
  • Restrict student access to college facilities for non-payment on the portion of tuition and fees billable to the VA while VA tuition and fees payment is pending;
  • Require the student to access student loans or other financial assistance for the purpose of paying the portion of tuition and fees billable to the VA while VA tuition and fees payment is pending;

To qualify, by or on the first day of the enrollment period a student may be required to:

  • Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class;
  • Provide a written request to be certified (Benefits Request Form);
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies.

Foreign Nationals

An individual immigration status will not preclude award of Maryland residency for tuition purposes if the individual has the legal capacity to establish domicile in Maryland.

Non-Immigrant Status

Some non-immigrant students are subject to out-of-state tuition rates. Students with an F-1 visa must enroll for a full-time course of study, which is a minimum of 12 credits/billable hours each semester. Prospective students with a temporary visa status such as J or B (visitors, business, exchange, etc.) should contact the Admissions Department to have their applications approved before registering for classes. Non-immigrant students other than F-1 international student visa holders may take as many credit courses as their college admission status permits, as long as the semester begins and ends within the duration of stay indicated on the I-94 in their passport. They are subject to the out-of-state tuition rates.

Appendix VIII - Academic Eligibility Guidelines for Financial Assistance Recipients

The U.S. Department of Education requires the college to establish standards and monitor the academic progress of students receiving Title IV federal financial assistance. All forms of federal, Maryland, and college financial assistance are subject to the satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standard, outlined as follows. This policy includes three key elements: achieving an overall grade point average, completing your program within a maximum time frame that may not exceed 150 percent of the length of the student’s program, and successfully completing the necessary credits each academic year.

  1. Students must complete (associate degree or certificate) requirements within a maximum time frame based on their credits attempted (150%). Students are considered to not meet this criteria when it becomes mathematically impossible to complete the program within the maximum number of credits outlined below. Credits attempted include AU, I, IP, F, FX, NA, P, W, WD, and WE. Example: A two-year degree program that requires 60 credits to complete is 60 x 1.5 = 90 credits; a one-year certificate program that is 32 credits/maximum time frame to complete is 32 x 1.5 = 48 credits.

NOTE: What does this mean for students changing academic programs? Example: You change your program from AA in business requiring 60 credits to AA in biology requiring 60 credits. You need 20 credits to receive your biology degree. At the time you changed the program, you have 85 credits attempted. Based on the 150% rule, you have 5 credits of eligibility, 60 on your first AA program in business x 1.5 = 90 credits; 90 credits minus 85 = 5 credits remaining of financial assistance eligibility. Prior to changing a program, consult with a financial assistance advisor on your campus.

  1. To maintain satisfactory academic progress and continued eligibility for financial assistance, the time frames set in (1) require students to successfully complete 67% of attempted credits each academic year while maintaining the required minimum cumulative grade average (GPA), according to the chart below. Successful completion means a grade of A, B, C, D, or P. Audited classes are counted towards your total number of attempted credits and do count towards your completion rate.

NOTE: When the college calculates satisfactory academic progress, it includes all grades/classes and does nothing special for academic clemency (AC). Example: Official CSM transcript of 18 credits-6 are AC; GPA is figured on 12 credits SAP is calculated on all 18 credits attempted, which includes the 6 credits that are marked AC.

  1. The student must meet minimum grade point average (GPA) requirements based on the number of credits attempted.  Please see the chart below:


Credits Attempted

Minimum  GPA

Required Completion %













45 or more 



  1. Students enrolled in an associate degree program will be evaluated once each academic year. This will take place at the end of the spring semester. Students enrolled in a certificate program will be evaluated at the end of the fall and spring semesters. The student’s cumulative record will be used to determine satisfactory progress, not just the most recently completed semester. Semesters during which the student was enrolled but did not receive financial assistance will also be considered in determining satisfactory progress. If the student does not meet the minimum standards outlined above, his/her eligibility for financial assistance will be lost. Upon termination of their academic eligibility for financial assistance, students will be notified via email and will be provided information on how to submit an appeal to request reinstatement of their academic eligibility for financial assistance.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Example

Susan, a freshman at the college, enrolled in an associate degree program and attended full-time (12 credits per semester) during the past academic year. Her transcript reads as follows:

Fall 2023

Spring 2024































*equivalent credit

Susan’s cumulative GPA at the end of Spring 2022 is 1.50.

Thus far in her studies at the college, Susan has attempted 24 credits (12 in the Fall plus 12 in the Spring). Of those 24 attempted, Susan has successfully completed (received a grade of A, B, C, D, or P) 12 credits. To calculate her completion percentage:

12 credits completed = 50% completion percentage
24 credits attempted

Susan has not met the minimum GPA requirement of 1.75 based on 24 attempted credits and she has not met the minimum completion percentage requirement of 67%, and would therefore be considered to be making unsatisfactory academic progress. Susan would be ineligible to receive further financial assistance until she increased her completion percentage to 67% or higher and raised her cumulative GPA to the minimum standards based on the total number of attempted credits.

Appeal Process

A student whose academic progress is deemed “unsatisfactory” may appeal that determination to the Appeal Committee. The SAP appeal form and documentation of mitigating circumstances claimed by the student is required. Students can request the SAP appeal form by meeting with a Financial Assistance Advisor or can be downloaded from the CSM website at Under most circumstances appeals may be granted for the low GPA or less than 67% completion but not for the 150% rule.

Students who lost their eligibility to receive financial assistance and have regained the required 67% credits attempted vs. credits earned ratio and/or have regained the required minimum cumulative GPA may request reinstatement of financial assistance eligibility in writing (such as e-mail) to the Financial Assistance Department.

Students who have their SAP appeals approved are considered to be on Financial Aid Probation and may be required to meet with an Academic Advisor to complete a Financial Aid Success Plan.  Students on Financial Aid Probation will have their SAP status reviewed every semester and if they are not meeting the terms of the appeal, the appeal will be revoked and the student will lose eligibility for financial assistance at CSM until such point as they are meeting the minimum SAP standards.

Effect of Course Withdrawals, Incompletes, Repetitions, or Non-Credit College Prep Courses on Satisfactory Progress

  • Withdrawals (“WD” grade): Withdrawal from a course will be considered unsatisfactory completion of that course.

  • Withdrawals (“WE” grade): Withdrawal from a course due to extreme circumstances, as defined by a national emergency. This course is not included in financial aid eligibility calculations.
  • Incomplete grade (“I” grade): An incomplete grade will be considered unsatisfactory completion of that course. If the student satisfactorily completes all outstanding work to make up the incomplete grade and later receives a satisfactory grade, the student’s financial assistance status will be re-evaluated accordingly.

  • Course repetition: Repeating a course counts as attempted credits, but does not count as completed credits. It also counts toward the 150% maximum time frame.

  • *** Non-credit College Prep courses: College Prep courses will be considered in the same way as any other courses (using their credit equivalencies) in calculating satisfactory progress. Students may not receive financial assistance for more than 30 equivalent credits of college prep courses. These credits will not affect the 150% time frame to complete their degree. Example: AA in business equals 60 credits. However, you must take 15 credits in college prep courses to assist you in obtaining that degree. So you would have 60 x 150% plus the 15 credits of college prep course work.

  • Audits: Changing a credit to an audit will affect your financial assistance. Audited classes are considered attempted credits for financial assistance eligibility purposes.

Return of Federal Funds Policy

When a student completely withdraws from the college while receiving Federal Title IV financial assistance, the Financial Assistance Department must determine what portion of the student’s semester federal financial assistance (not including Federal Work-Study funds) will need to revert to the federal programs. A student is considered to be completely withdrawn from CSM when they withdraw from all their classes and are not currently enrolled in any additional classes. The department must use a statutory return of federal funds policy, required by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended most recently in 2008.

The statutory formula requires the Financial Assistance Department to determine what portion of federal aid disbursed has been “earned” and what portion must be considered “unearned.”

Calculation of Title IV Financial Assistance Earned

The college must first determine the percentage of assistance earned by the student at the point in time when she/he withdraws completely. Up through the 60 % point in time in the term, the percentage of assistance earned is equal to the percentage of the term completed as of the day the student withdraws. If the withdrawal occurs after the 60 % point, the percentage of aid earned is 100 %.

Calculation of Title IV Financial Assistance Not Earned

The amount of assistance not earned by the student is calculated by subtracting the percentage earned (when less than 60 %) from 100 %. That percentage is then applied to total amount of grant and loan assistance that was disbursed for the semester.

Difference Between Amounts Earned and Amounts Received

If the student has received more grant or loan assistance than the amount earned, the unearned funds must be returned to the Title IV programs by the college or the student or both.

Responsibility of the College

The college must return to the Title IV programs the lesser of the following:

  • the unearned amount of Title IV assistance; or

  • the institutional charges (tuition, fees, and, in some cases, books) incurred for the semester, multiplied by the unearned percentage of Title IV grant and loan assistance.

Responsibility of the Student

The student returns unearned Title IV assistance minus the amount of the college returns. The U.S. Department of Education does not allow the college or the student any discretion regarding non-institutional costs. In most cases, when a student receives Title IV assistance greater than the amount of institutional charges, and completely withdraws from the college, they will have to return some of those federal funds.

Special considerations: When a student (or parent in the case of PLUS loans) is required to return a portion or all of loan proceeds, the calculated amount will be repaid according to the terms of the loan. In addition, the Department of Education recognizes that the neediest students have up-front school expenses and limited resources to meet those expenses. Therefore, students who must return grant funds themselves (over and above what the school returns) are given an additional consideration: the student’s grant repayment is reduced by half.

Order in Which Federal Funds Must Be Returned

Whether the college or the student or both must return federal funds, there is a prescribed order as to which federal program receives returned funds first, second, third, etc. That order is as follows:

  1. Unsubsidized Direct Loan

  2. Subsidized Direct Loan

  3. Direct PLUS Loan

  4. Pell Grant

  5. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

  6. Federal SEOG 

  7. TEACH Grant


Return of Federal Funds Example

John, a freshman at the college, enrolls for the fall semester and incurs institutional charges of $1,260. He received a Federal Pell Grant of $1,000 and a Federal Direct Loan of $1,260. He withdraws from the college after completing 37 percent of the semester.

  1. Percent of unearned Title IV aid: 100% - 37% = 63% unearned

  2. Amount of unearned Title IV aid: $2,260 total Title IV aid x 63% unearned = $1,424 unearned

  3. Amount of aid the college must return to the Title IV programs:

The college must return the lesser of the unearned amount of Title IV aid ($1,424 shown above), or the semester charges incurred, multiplied by the unearned percentage (63 percent shown above): $1,260 total semester charges x 63 percent unearned = $794 unearned.

The amount of $794 is the lesser of the two calculated unearned amounts, and the college must return this amount. In accordance with the return of federal funds formula, this amount will reduce the Federal Direct Loan that John borrowed for the fall semester.

As a result of this return of funds to the Title IV programs, John will owe $794 to the college for unpaid institutional charges.

  1. Amount of aid the student must return:

The student must return the difference between the amount of unearned Title IV aid and the amount returned by the college: $1,424 unearned aid amount - $794 returned by the college = $630 to be returned by the student.

John will repay $466 of the required $630 to his Federal Direct Loan lender according to the terms of his loan. The remaining $164 amount that John must return is Federal Pell Grant funds, subject to the 50 percent reduction consideration given to the student; therefore, John will have to return $82 to the Pell Grant Program.

Appendix IX - Student Transfer Policies

Md. Code Regs. 13B.06.02.02 - Definitions

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) Academic Credit.

(a) “Academic credit” or “credit” means the certification by the Registrar of a student’s successful completion of a course leading to a formal award granted by an institution of higher education.

(b) “Academic credit” or “credit” does not include credit awarded for remedial education.

(2) “Articulation agreement” means a written agreement for the awarding of credit by an institution of higher education for the completion of coursework or prior learning at another institution or entity.

(3) “Commission” means the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

(4) “Course” means a collection of lessons that is intended to meet specific learning objectives and is measured in academic credits.

(5) “Course Transfer Agreement” means an articulation agreement regarding the award of credit by a receiving institution for courses completed at the sending institution that are not specific to the completion of an academic program at the receiving institution.

(6) “Credit for prior learning” means credit granted to a student from an institution of higher education for experiential learning or a nationally recognized standardized examination that has been assessed by the institution to be the equivalent of learning gained through formal collegiate instruction.

(7) “Cumulative grade point average” means the average of grades received for completed coursework at an institution.

(8) “First-time student” means a student who:

(a) Has earned a high school diploma or equivalent; and

(b) Has not earned any college credit from an institution of higher education subsequent to earning the high school diploma or equivalent.

(9) “First-time student with advanced standing” means a first-time undergraduate student who earned college credit from an institution of higher education prior to earning a high school diploma or equivalent.

(10) General Admission.

(a) “General admission” means admission to enroll as an undergraduate student at an institution of higher education.

(b) “General admission” does not include admission to a specific degree or certificate program.

(11) “General education requirement” means an institutional requirement under COMAR 13B.06.01.03.

(12) “Institution of higher education” has the meaning stated in Education Article, § 10-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(13) “Institution of postsecondary education” has the meaning stated in Education Article, § 10-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(14) “Learning outcome” or “learning objective” means a description of the knowledge, skills, competencies, or expertise that a student is expected to obtain, exhibit, or meet upon the successful completion of a specific course or program.

(15) “Non-transfer student” means an undergraduate student who attends the same institution of higher education at which they initially enrolled and has not enrolled in a course of study at another institution of higher education since that initial enrollment.

(16) “Prior Learning Transfer Agreement” means an articulation agreement for a receiving institution to award academic credit for demonstrated proficiency, a satisfactory score on a specific assessment, applied experience, or other learning experience completed at an institution of postsecondary education or other entity.

(17) “Program” or “academic program” means a structured and coherent course of study with clearly defined learning objectives and intended student learning outcomes, leading to the award of a certificate or degree, that requires the completion of a specified number of course credits from among a prescribed group of general education, elective, and discipline-specific courses.

(18) “Program Transfer Agreement” means an articulation agreement between a receiving institution and a sending institution that sets forth the course and other degree requirements within a single bachelor’s degree program offered by the receiving institution that may be completed at the sending institution.

(19) “Receiving institution” means the institution of higher education to which a student desires to transfer courses and credits.

(20) “Secretary” means the Secretary of Higher Education.

(21) “Sending institution” means an institution of higher education at which a student was previously enrolled and earned academic credit.

(22) Transfer student” means an undergraduate student entering an institution for the first time who has successfully completed, after earning a high school diploma or equivalent, at least one course at another institution of higher education that is transferable to the institution the student is enrolling in.


Md. Code Regs. 13B.06.02.03 - Institutional Policies and Responsibilities

A. An institution shall establish written policies and procedures for transfer between public institutions that are consistent with this chapter.

B. The policies and procedures established under §A of this regulation shall address, at a minimum:

(1) Information sharing and communication between institutions;

(2) Availability of information to students and the public;

(3) Admission of transfer students to the institution;

(4) Admission of transfer students into specific academic programs;

(5) Number of credits that may transfer and the application of credits to program requirements;

(6) Transfer of general education courses and credits;

(7) Processes and standards for the evaluation of individual course equivalencies and credit for prior learning;

(8) Processes for the establishment of course transferability, including, but not limited to, Program Transfer Agreements and other articulation agreements;

(9) Process for individual students to request credit and course transfer; and

(10) The roles of the institutional transfer coordinator and other faculty and staff.

C. All policies and procedures established under this chapter shall ensure:

(1) Equitable treatment of non-transfer students, first-time students with advanced standing, and transfer students;

(2) That the evaluation of courses and credits for transfer maximizes the amount of credit awarded to a student;

(3) That students are not required to repeat equivalent coursework successfully completed at a sending institution; and

(4) That all information regarding transfer is available to other institutions, students, and the public.

D. Applicability of Policies to Students from Private and Out-of-State Institutions. Institutions are encouraged to use the standards set forth in Regulations .07-.11 of this chapter and the process set forth in Regulation .14D of this chapter to evaluate the transfer of courses and credits that were completed at a private or out-of-State institution of higher education.

E. Transfer Coordinators.

(1) An institution of higher education shall designate at least one transfer coordinator, who:

(a) Serves as a resource person to students seeking to transfer courses and credits;

(b) Is responsible for coordinating the application of the policies and procedures established under §A of this regulation; and

(c) Is responsible for overseeing the process in Regulation .14 of this chapter for the evaluation of student transfer requests.

(2) A transfer coordinator is not responsible for evaluating individual course equivalencies or credit for prior learning under Regulations .10 and .11 of this chapter.


Md. Code Regs. 13B.06.02.05 - Information for Students

A. All Institutions.

(1) An institution shall ensure that all articulation agreements and all information pertaining to transfer students and the transfer of courses and credits are:

(a) Written in language that is clear and explicit;

(b) Comprehensive, accurate, and regularly updated; and

(c) Available to prospective transfer students in publicly accessible sources.

(2) Student information shall include, at a minimum:

(a) Admissions requirements for transfer students at public senior higher education institutions;

(b) Curriculum prerequisites at receiving institutions;

(c) Information about Program Transfer Agreements;

(d) Information about other articulation agreements and sources of established course and credit transferability;

(e) Transferability of general education courses;

(f) Transferability of individual courses;

(g) Credit transfer limits; and

(h) The credit transfer process, including:

(i) How to make a transfer evaluation request; and

(ii) The standards that are used to determine course and credit equivalency.

(3) Institutions shall:

(a) Promptly inform students of changes to admissions requirements, academic program requirements, and any of the other information in this regulation; and

(b) Notify students that:

(i) Students are accountable for the loss of credits resulting from changes to the student’s academic program; and

(ii) Credits earned for remedial coursework are not transferable.

(4) Institutions shall encourage all prospective transfer students to complete an associate degree.

B. Community Colleges. Community colleges shall encourage their students to select, as early as possible, the institution and academic program into which they desire to transfer.



Md. Code Regs. 13B.06.02.06 - Admission of Transfer Students

A. General Admission to Public Institutions.

(1) General admission of a transfer student to an institution under §A(2) and (3) of this regulation does not guarantee admission into a specific degree or certificate program at that institution.

(2) Except as provided in §A(4) of this regulation, a student transferring from a public institution may not be denied general admission to another public institution if the student:

(a) Has completed an associate degree or at least 60 credit hours; and

(b) Attained a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent at the sending institution.

(3) A student transferring from a public institution who has not completed an associate degree or at least 60 credit hours is eligible for general admission to another public institution if the student:

(a) Satisfies the same admission criteria as a non-transfer student at the receiving public institution; and

(b) Attained a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent at the sending institution.

(4) If the number of students seeking admission exceeds the number that can be accommodated at a receiving public institution, admission decisions for transfer students shall:

(a) Be based on criteria developed by the receiving institution that are publicly available and easily accessible on the institution’s website; and

(b) Maintain fair and equitable treatment for non-transfer students, transfer students, and first-time students with advanced standing.

B. Admission to Specific Academic Programs.

(1) A receiving public institution may require additional admission requirements to a specific degree or certificate program.

(2) The standards for admission to the program shall:

(a) Be based on criteria developed by the receiving public institution that are publicly available and easily accessible on the institution’s website; and

(b) Maintain fair and equitable treatment for non-transfer students, transfer students, and first-time students with advanced standing.

Md. Code Regs. 13B.06.02.07 - Transfer of Courses and Credits Generally

A. A receiving institution shall accept for transfer and award credit for a course or credit completed at a sending institution if:

(1) The course is transferable under §B of this regulation; and

(2) The acceptance of and awarding of credit for the completed course or credit is consistent with the requirements of this chapter.

B. Transferability.

(1) General education courses required under COMAR 13B.06.01 are transferable as set forth in Regulation .09 of this chapter.

(2) An individual course that is not being applied toward a general education requirement is transferable if:

(a) The course is deemed equivalent to a course at the receiving institution under the standards set forth in Regulation .10 of this chapter; or

(b) The course is part of a Program Transfer Agreement.

(3) Credit for prior learning is transferable if deemed equivalent using the standards set forth in Regulation .11 of this chapter.

(4) Establishment of Transferability by Institutions.

(a) Whenever practicable, the transferability of courses or credits shall be established via Program Transfer Agreement or other mechanism consistent with Regulation .12 of this chapter.

(b) Documents establishing course equivalencies and course and credit transferability shall be publicly available and easily accessible for students and the public.

C. Awarding of Credit Toward Academic Program Requirements.

(1) A receiving institution’s award of credit for a transferred course or credit may be applied toward any academic program requirement at the receiving institution, regardless of the program requirement that the course fulfilled at the sending institution,

(2) The award of credit for a transferred course or credit may be applied toward multiple program requirements at the receiving institution consistent with the institution’s policies for non-transfer students.

Md. Code Regs. 13B.06.02.08 - Number of Credits Accepted for Transfer

A. Required Award of Credit by Public Senior Higher Education Institution for Courses Completed at Community College.

(1) Except as provided in §A(2) of this regulation and subject to §C of this regulation, a public senior higher education institution in the State shall accept for transfer at least 60, but not more than 70, credits that were earned toward an associate degree at any community college in the State.

(2) A Program Transfer Agreement between a community college and a public senior higher education institution may allow for the transfer of more than 70 credits earned at the community college.

B. Required Award of Credit by Community College for Courses Completed at Public Senior Higher Education Institution.

(1) Subject to §C of this regulation, a community college shall accept for transfer at least 30, but not more than 45, credits that were earned at any public senior higher education institution in the State.

(2) A student may transfer credit under §B(1) of this regulation without enrolling in the community college if:

(a) The student earned at least 15 credits at the community college prior to attending the public senior higher education institution from which they desire to transfer credit; and

(b) The transfer of the credits will satisfy all remaining requirements to receive an associate degree from the community college.

C. Awarding and Application of Credit by Receiving Institution. An institution accepting the transfer of completed courses and credits under §A or B of this regulation shall award credit for those courses and apply the awarded credit toward academic program requirements as follows:

(1) For any course determined to be equivalent to a course at the receiving institution under this chapter, credit shall be awarded for the equivalent course.

(2) Credit awarded for an equivalent course shall be applied toward any general education, elective, major, or other program requirement that the course would fulfill for a non-transfer student.

(3) For any completed course that has no equivalent at the receiving institution, if the student earned a passing grade in the course at the sending institution, general credit or discipline-specific credit shall be awarded, as appropriate.

(4) Credit awarded for a course with no equivalent at the receiving institution may be applied toward any general education or elective requirement, if the institution has a written, publicly available policy regarding such an application that ensures the equitable treatment of all transfer students.

Md. Code Regs. 13B.06.02.09 - Transfer of General Education Courses

A. A receiving institution shall accept for transfer any completed course that fulfilled a general education requirement at the sending institution.

B. Credit for a general education course completed at a sending institution shall be applied toward any general education requirement in the same core area at the receiving institution to which it was applied at the sending institution, regardless of whether an equivalent course exists at the receiving institution.

C. Credit for any completed course that fulfills any general education requirement at the sending institution, that cannot be applied pursuant to §B of this regulation, shall be applied toward any elective within the general education requirements at the receiving institution, regardless of whether an equivalent course exists at the receiving institution.



Md. Code Regs. 13B.06.02.10 - Evaluation of Individual Course Equivalencies

A. Equivalency Standard.

(1) A receiving institution shall accept a course or combination of courses completed at a sending institution for transfer when the receiving institution determines that at least 70 percent of the course learning objectives of the course or combination of courses completed at the sending institution are equivalent to the course learning objectives of a course or combination of courses at a receiving institution.

(2) An institution may not use any other standard or method of determining the equivalency of an individual course or combination of courses at a sending institution to a course or combination of courses at a receiving institution, other than the standard set forth in §A(1) of this regulation.

(3) An institution may not consider the course numbers or levels assigned to the sending or receiving institution’s course or combination of courses when making a determination under §A(1) of this regulation.

B. Equivalencies shall be determined by faculty who are subject matter experts and may not be determined by non-academic staff.

C. An equivalent course shall only be transferred if the grade achieved at the sending institution for the completed course is the same or higher than the grade required for a non-transfer student in the equivalent course at the receiving institution.

D. The number of credits awarded to the student by the receiving institution for a course or combination of courses deemed equivalent under this regulation may not be less than the number of credits earned for that course or combination of courses at the sending institution.

E. An institution shall include in the policies and procedures established under Regulation .03 of this chapter the process the institution will use for the evaluation of course learning objective equivalencies.


Appendix X - Disclosure of Student Information and Rights of Students Under FERPA

Disclosure of Student Information

The following categories of student information are designated as public or directory information. The institution may disclose such information for any purpose, at its discretion.  As permitted under FERPA Section 99.37(d), the College limits the release of directory information for legitimate educational purposes or in accordance with the Solomon Amendment.

Category I: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, photograph, major field(s) of study, dates of attendance, campus location, degrees, certificates, letter of recognition, and awards received (includes deans’ list), class standing, and most recent previous educational institution attended. 

Category II: participation in officially recognized activities, and sports, weight, and height of members of athletic teams

Students may prevent disclosure of Category I and Category II information. Forms to prevent disclosure of this directory information can be obtained at the Registrar’s office for Category I and at the Athletics Department for written notification must be received in the Student Life and Athletics Department for Category II information.

Rights of Students Under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day that the College of Southern Maryland receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the Registrar to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. The student should write the Registrar, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the Registrar decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the Registrar will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of their right to appeal the decision. Students wishing to appeal a decision should follow the General Student Complaint Procedure found in the Student Policy Guide. FERPA does not address issues involved with assigning grades for academic work. Students interested in appealing grades should follow the Reevaluation of Academic Work procedure found in the Student Policy Guide at

  3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One of the exceptions permits disclosure without consent to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by CSM in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position; a person or company with whom CSM has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, distance learning service provider, other colleges or universities or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing their tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility. Upon request CSM discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College of Southern Maryland to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Written complaints should be sent to: U.S. Department of Education, Student Privacy Policy Office, 400 Maryland Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20202-8520 (

Appendix XI - Student Complaint/Grievance Procedure

The General Student Complaint Procedure provides students with a method to address complaints against a student, a faculty or staff member, or college policies or practices.

Before beginning formal procedures, the involved parties should try to settle the dispute through discussion. If no resolution is reached, a written statement of the complaint must be sent to the vice president of Student Equity and Success within 21 days of the dispute. For a copy of the procedure, or for assistance in resolving a complaint, refer to the Student Policy Guide or contact the Vice President of Student Equity and Success.

Appendix XII - Statewide Instructional Programs

The Maryland Higher Education Commission has designated instructional programs at Maryland community colleges as statewide programs. See Appendix I for enrollment procedures. In addition to providing greater opportunity to additional Maryland citizens, the implementation of statewide programs allows for more effective planning for the placement of new instructional programs, particularly in high-cost specialties. Students enrolled in a program designated as statewide pay the in-county tuition rate.

Allegheny Community College
Addictions - Certificate
Automotive Technology - Certificate/Degree
Culinary Arts - Degree
Forest Technology - Degree
Hospitality Management - Degree
Medical Scribe Specialist - Certificate
Nursing Assistant/Geriatric Adie - Certificate
Pharmacy Technician - Certificate
Phlebotomy/EKG Technician - Certificate
Tree Care Technology- Certificate

Anne Arundel Community College
Architecture and Interior Design - Degree
Homeland Security Management - Degree
Hotel/Restaurant Management - Certificate/Degree
Intelligence Analytics - Certificate
Life and Engagement Coach - Certificate
Paralegal Studies - Certificate/Degree
Skilled Professional Trades Management - Degree
Transportation, Logistics and Cargo Security - Certificate

Baltimore County, Community College of
Advanced Geospatial Applications - Certificate
Air Traffic Control - Certificate
Automotive Air Conditioning/Heating Specialist - Certificate
Automotive Brake and Suspension Specialist - Certificate
Automotive Drive Train Specialist - Certificate
Automotive Electrical & Electronic Specialist - Certificate
Automotive Engine Specialist - Certificate
Automotive Master Technician - Certificate
Automotive Service Attendant - Certificate
Automotive Technology - Certificate
Aviation Management - Certificate
Basic Horticulture Technician - Certificate Behavioral Health Counseling - Certificate
Behavioral Health Counseling - Certificate
Behavioral Health Counseling Trainee - Certificate
Child and adolescent Behaivoral Health Practitioner - Certificate
Construction Craft Professional - Certificate/Degree
Construction Management - Certificate/Degree
Flight Attendant - Certificate
Flight Operations Management - Degree
Greenhouse/Agricultural Production - Certificate
Human Services Counseling - Degree
Interpreter Preparation - Certificate/Degree
Landscape Installation, Maintenance and Design - Certificate
Mortuary Science - Certificate/Degree
Printing Management Tech - Certificate
Sustainable Horticulture - Degree
Turf and Landscape Maintenance - Certificate

Carroll Community College
Digital Design and Fabrication - Certificate/Degree
Solidworks - Certificate
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Pilot Safety - Certificate
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Degree

Cecil Community College
Psychology, General - Degree
Social Work - Degree
Supply Chain Management - Degree
Visual Communications - Degree

Chesapeake College
Agriculture - Degree

College of Southern Maryland
Commercial Vehicle Operator - Certificate
Nuclear Engineering Technology: Mechanical - Degree
Nuclear Engineering Technology: Electrical - Degree
Security Management - Certificate

Frederick Community College
Emergency Management - Degree
Police Science - Degree

Garrett Community College
Addictions Counseling - Degree
Juvenile Justice - Certificate/Degree
Natural Resources and Wildlife Technology - Certificate/Degree
Outdoor Leadership and Adventure Education - Degree

Hagerstown Community College
Alternative Energy Technology - Degree
Digital Instrumentation & Process Control - Degree
Industrial Technology - Certificate
Solar Energy Installation and Service - Certificate

Harford Community College
High Performance Manufacturing - Degree
Technical/Professional Studies - Degree

Montgomery College - All Campuses
Behavioral Health - Degree
Cell and Gene Therapy - Certificate
Fire and Emergency Services Management - Degree
Graphic Design (AFA) - Degree
Professional and Technical Writing - Certificate
Studio Arts (AFA) - Degree

Wor-Wic College
Chemical Dependency Counseling - Degree
Criminal Justice - Certificate/Degree
Hospitality Management - Certificate/Degree
Occupational Therapy Assistant - Degree

Appendix XIII - Designated Health Manpower Shortage Programs

Allegany College of Maryland
Addictions - Certificate
Dental Hygiene - Degree
Human Services - Degree
Massage Therapy - Degree
Medical Assistant - Degree
Medical Coding and Billing - Certificate
Medical Laboratory Tech - Degree
Medical Laboratory Tech - Biotech - Certificate
Medical Scribe Specialist - Certificate
Nursing - Degree
Nursing Assistant/Geriatric Aide - Certificate
Occupational Therapy Assistant - Degree
Pharmacy Technician - Certificate
Phlebotomy/Laboratory Assistant - Certificate
Physical Therapy Assistant - Degree
Practical Nursing - Certificate
Respiratory Therapist - Degree

Anne Arundel Community College
Human Services - Certificate/Degree
Medical Assisting - Certificate/Degree
Medical Coding - Certificate
Medical Lab Technician - Degree
Nursing - Degree
Physical Therapy Assistant - Degree
Practical Nursing - Certificate
Radiologic Technology - Degree
Massage Therapy - Certificate/Degree

Baltimore City Community College
Coding Specialist: Medical - Certificate
Dental Hygiene - Degree
Emergency Medical Service - Degree
EMT - Basic - Certificate
EMT - Intermediate - Certificate
EMT - Paramedic - Certificate
Health Information Technology - Degree
Nursing - Degree
Physical Therapist Assistant - Degree
Practical Nursing - Certificate
Respiratory Care - Degree

Carroll Community College
National Registry Paramedic - Certificate/Degree
Practical Nursing - Certificate
Physical Therapist Assistant - Degree
Registered Nursing - Degree

Cecil Community College
EMT - Paramedic - Certificate/Degree
Licensed Practical Nurse - Certificate
Physical Therapist Assistant - Degree
Registered Nurse - Degree

Chesapeake College
Emergency Medical Services - Certificate/Degree
EMT - Paramedic - Certificate
Human Services - Degree
Licensed Practical Nursing - Certificate
Nursing (Registered Nurse) - Degree
Physical Therapist Assistant - Degree
Radiologic Sciences - Degree
Surgical Technology - Certificate

College of Southern Maryland
Emergency Medical Services - Degree
Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic - Certificate
Human Services - Degree
Human Services: Alcohol and Drug Counseling - Certificate
Human Services: Mental Health Technician - Certificate
Medical Assisting - Certificate
Medical Coding Specialist - Certificate
Medical Laboratory Technology - Degree
Nursing - Degree
Physical Therapist Assistant - Degree
Practical Nursing - Certificate
Pre-Professional Health Science - Degree
• Dental Hygiene Concentration
• General Concentration
• Nursing Concentration
• Pharmacy Concentration
• Physical Therapy Concentration
• Public Health Concentration
• Sonography Concentration
Community College of Baltimore County
Dental Hygiene - Degree
Emergency Medical Technology - Certificate/Degree
Health Informatics and Information Technology - Degree
Histotechnology - Degree
Medical Laboratory Technology - Degree
Nursing - Degree
Occupational Therapy Assistant - Degree
Practical Nursing - Certificate
Radiation Therapy - Degree
Radiography (X-Ray Technology) - Degree
Respiratory Care Therapist - Degree
Veterinary Technology - Degree

Frederick Community College
Medical Assistant - Certificate
Nursing - Degree
Respiratory Care - Degree

Hagerstown Community College
Dental Assisting - Certificate
Dental Hygiene - Degree
Nursing - Degree
Practical Nursing - Certificate
Radiography - Degree

Harford Community College
Electroneurodiagnostic Technician - Degree
Medical Assisting - Certificate/Degree
Nursing - Degree
Practical Nursing - Certificate
Science Lab Technician - Degree

Howard Community College
Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging and Intervention - Certificate
Biomedical Engineering - Certificate/Degree
Cardiovascular Tech - Certificate/Degree
EMT/Paramedic - Certificate/Degree
Licensed Practical Nursing - Certificate
Nursing - Degree
Photonics Technology - Certificate/Degree
Radiologic Technology - Degree

Montgomery College
Biotechnology - Degree
Diagnostic Medical Sonography - Certificate/Degree
Health Information Management - Degree
Nursing - Degree
Physical Therapy Assistant - Degree
Radiologic (X-ray) Technology - Degree
Surgical Technology - Certificate/Degree
Prince George’s Community College
Health Information Management - Degree
Health Navigator - Degree
Medical Assisting - Certificate/Degree
Medical Coder/Billing Specialist - Certificate
Nuclear Medicine Technology - Degree
Nursing (LPN) - Certificate
Nursing (RN) - Degree
Nursing LPN to RN Transition - Degree
Paramedic - Certificate/Degree
Paramedic to RN Transition - Degree
Radiography - Degree
Respiratory Therapy- Degree
Surgical Technology- Degree

Wor-Wic Community College
Emergency Medical Services - Certificate/Degree
Nursing - Degree
Radiologic Technician - Degree

Appendix XIV - Online Programs

The following letter of recognition programs may be completed online at CSM:

Business Analysis
Business Management
Computing Essentials
Construction Management
Criminal Justice
Digital Marketing
Financial Office Assistant
Hospitality Management
Retail Management
Small Business Entrepreneurship
Technology Management

The following certificate programs may be completed online at CSM:

Accounting: Basic
Accounting: Advanced
Business Analysis Certificate
Business Management
Cloud and Information Technology
Construction Management
Digital Marketing Management
Hospitality Management
General Studies Transfer
Retail Management
Small Business Entrepreneurship
Technical Support
Technology Management

The following degree programs are fully available online at CSM:

Accounting, AAS
Business Administration, AS with Concentrations
Business Management, AAS with Concentrations
Criminal Justice, AS
Homeland Security, AAS
Law Enforcement, AAS