ART-1320 - Basic Computer Animation* (3) Prerequisite: ART-1310 Students explore the fundamental artistic skills for animation using digital technology. Students employ current hardware and software in computer animation to produce projects as well as prepare and maintain a digital portfolio. Students are required to supply their own storage device for their work.
Offered irregularly
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Describe and speak articulately and critically about their work and the field of digital animation.
CO2 - Analyze creations on the basis of historical and contemporary influences of animation on the culture, graphic design, fine art, and visual communications.
CO3 - Analyze and integrate a variety of methods to evaluate an assignment. Given a problem, determine through experimentation the strategies that would be necessary to solve it.
CO4 - Evaluate and critique the work of others as well as their own work.
CO5 - Build a portfolio.
Course Fee: $75
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