EGR-2320 - Thermodynamics* (3) Prerequisite: PHY-2200 or PHY-2300 Students learn the law of thermodynamics and use properties of matter to describe states of systems and processes involving heat and work. Students apply the basic laws and thermal properties to perform thermal analyses on idealized cycles related to power plants, heat pumps, refrigeration systems, gas turbines, and reciprocating engines. Mixtures and heat transfer mechanisms are also explored.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Analyze thermodynamic processes with work and heat transfer using the First Law of Thermodynamics.
CO2 - Apply the properties and relationships of thermodynamic fluids to thermodynamic processes.
CO3 - Apply the Second Law of Thermodynamics to systems.
CO4 - Evaluate closed system ideal engine cycles.
CO5 - Evaluate open system refrigeration cycles.
Course Fee: No
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