ENG-2250 - Women Writers* (H, C) (3) Prerequisite: ENG-1010 or ENG-1010T Students in this course read, study, and analyze a variety of writings by women. The texts by women authors may include fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction essays, speeches, literary criticism, letters, and autobiographical works. A variety of ethnic groups and cultures will be represented, although the primary language of the women studied is English. Through the broad representation of writing by women from the time of the European Middle Ages to contemporary times, students will consider diverse issues relevant to women. Students demonstrate this knowledge and understanding through a variety of activities and assessments that may include class discussions, oral presentations, and small group projects, as well as essay exams and other written critical analysis of individual literary works to a course total of approximately 4000 words. This course satisfies the General Education Humanities requirement and the Core Competency for Cultural and Global Awareness.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Explain the historical, cultural, political, and geographical influences on women authors and their works, from the European Middle Ages to contemporary times.
CO2 - Evaluate works from a diverse set of women authors from a variety of ethnic groups and cultures.
CO3 - Discuss major themes, styles, and other literary conventions of women’s literature and its representative authors and works.
CO4 - Apply relevant literary critical lenses to evaluate authors and their works.
CO5 - Produce original texts using correct MLA formatting, citation, and documentation standards.
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