ENG-2810 - The Vietnam War in Film and Literature* (H) (3) Prerequisite: ENG-1010 or ENG-1010T Students study fiction and film about the Vietnam War from both the American and Vietnamese sides and study the war’s effects on contemporary literature and society. This course satisfies the General Education Humanities requirement.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Explain the historical, cultural, political, and geographical influences on Vietnamese and American authors and their works, focused on the late 20th Century to contemporary times.
CO2 - Evaluate works from a diverse set of authors from Vietnam and the United States.
CO3 - Discuss major themes, styles, and other literary conventions of Vietnam War literature and its representative authors and works.
CO4 - Apply relevant literary critical lenses to evaluate authors and their works.
CO5 - Produce original texts using correct MLA formatting, citation, and documentation standards.
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