HST-1018 - Ancient and Roman History* (3) Prerequisite: College-level reading placement or complete one of the following: IRW-0900A or IRW-0900B Students survey the political, economic and social aspects specific to ancient cultures of Western Civilization from Classic Greece to the fall of the Roman Empire. This course satisfies the General Education Humanities requirement.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Discuss the reasons for the emergence of the Greek and Roman empires..
CO2 - Describe the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome, including religion, art, architecture, and philosophical ideas.
CO3 - Describe the political, military, and economic structures of ancient Greece and Rome.
CO4 - Evaluate the impact of the Greek and Roman empires on the Mediterranean world and beyond.
CO5 - Describe the impact of Christianity and competing religions in the late Roman Empire.
CO6 - Explain the social, military, and economic causes of Rome’s collapse and fall.
CO7 - Evaluate the role of Greece and Rome in shaping Western history and culture.
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