HST-1050 - The American Experience* (H) (3) Prerequisite: College-level reading placement or complete one of the following: IRW-0900A or IRW-0900B Students address the complex issues of American culture, and consider the diverse origins of American values, belief systems, and aesthetic expression and their impact on contemporary values and issues. Students examine key themes such as identity, cultural practices, difference, and America and the world. This course satisfies the General Education Humanities requirement.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Describe and evaluate American culture, and the cultures, values, and beliefs that have given meaning and shape to the experience of the American people.
CO2 - Interpret the ways in which American cultural values have shaped American life.
CO3 - Describe and analyze the ways in which Americans have developed, and responded to, social institutions and values.
CO4 - Demonstrate skills of analysis and synthesis relating to the close reading of American texts in their social and cultural contexts.
CO5 - Recognize the diversity of the American experience.
CO6 - Evaluate the impact of American culture on global cultures.
CO7 - Evaluate the use of material culture in understanding the American experience.
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