ITS-2545 - Information Systems Security* (3) Prerequisite: ITS-2090 and college-level reading and writing placement or complete one of the following: IRW-0900A or IRW-0900B Students learn the management principles of information security. The course will cover many aspects of security including hardware, software, communication, and physical security. Security policy, legal and ethical issues will also be covered. The relationship between course topics and CISSP domains are also highlighted.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Identify and prioritize information assets.
CO2 - Identify and prioritize threats to information assets.
CO3 - Define an information security strategy and architecture.
CO4 - Plan for and respond to intruders in an information system.
CO5 - Describe legal and public relations implications of security and privacy issues.
CO6 - Describe threats to information security.
CO7 - Identify methods, tools, and techniques for combating these threats.
CO8 - Identify types of attacks and problems that occur when systems are not properly protected.
CO9 - Explain integral parts of overall good information security practices.
CO10 - Identify and discuss issues related to access control.
CO11 - Describe the need for and development of information security policies, and identify guidelines and models for writing policies.
CO12 - Define risk management and explain why it is an important component of an information security strategy and practice.
CO13 - Describe the types of contingency plan and the steps involved in developing each.
CO14 - Identify security issues related to personnel decisions, and qualifications of security personnel.
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