CSC-2592 - Computer Science II* (4) Prerequisite: CSC-2591 This course builds on the first course training students to better employ advanced data-structures (two dimensional arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, priority queues, sets and maps) and algorithms (hashing, quick-sort, heap-sort) to large programming projects. Students learn how to manipulate various data-structures: traversal, insertion, and deletion. Efficiency of various data-structures is explored via worst and average-case time and space analysis. ITS-2592 is now CSC-2592.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Design effective and efficient solutions to computational problems.
CO2 - Implement computational solutions effectively in a general O.O. programming language (e.g., Java).
CO3 - Analyze and test programs of moderate size and complexity.
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