TED-2030 - Introduction to Education (3) Survey the history and major developments in American education. The course includes a comprehensive overview of the history and philosophy of education in general and a study of contemporary issues of teaching and learning in a diverse society. Basic language skills are presumed, used, and evaluated.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Identify, describe and analyze major events through the historical development of American education.
CO2 - Describe the major schools of philosophy and apply their major tenets to educational issues and pedagogy.
CO3 - Identify and explain the impact of diversity and culture as they relate to educational experiences and opportunities.
CO4 - Summarize major themes and characteristics of school organization/finance and educational law.
CO5 - Explain how standards, assessment, and accountability influence decisions on curriculum and instruction.
CO6 - Analyze major issues in education today as they relate to students, parents, teachers, curriculum, and society.
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