WFS-1670 - Personal Trainer Fundamentals (3) This course provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills in preparation for a national certification exam in personal training. Topics include guidelines for instructing safe, effective, and purposeful exercise, essentials of the client-trainer relationship, conducting health and fitness assessments, and designing and implementing appropriate exercise programming.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Identify and adhere to applicable professional standards and codes of conduct including business and professional development practices.
CO2 - Recognize and apply exercise psychology and behavioral coaching techniques for a wide variety of clients.
CO3 - Identify concepts and structures of anatomy and physiology, human movement science, exercise metabolism, nutrition, and supplementation.
CO4 - Select, perform, and interpret results from a client fitness assessment.
CO5 - Provide instruction and demonstrate proper exercise techniques for clients.
CO6 - Design client-specific exercise programs based on assessment results and client abilities.
Course Fee: $75
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