ITS-2511 - Networking I* (3) Prerequisite: ITS-1055 Students learn networking fundamentals and network terminology in this first of a three-course series. Topics covered include open system interconnection (OSI) models, Ethernet technologies, network media, basics of TCP/IP, and IP addressing. Training is provided in the use of networking software and tools that are required to troubleshoot networking problems.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - List the components required to have a computer network and explain why they are needed.
CO2 - Describe the devices and services used to support communications in computer networks and the Internet.
CO3 - Explain the difference between the two common reference models for protocol.
CO4 - Read a network address and identify the network numbers from the host numbers.
CO5 - Identify the data elements of a Frame and Packet.
CO6 - Build a simple network using routers and switches using the Cisco command-line interface (CLI) commands.
CO7 - Analyze data flowing through a network using the software Wireshark.
CO8 - Use common network tools like traceroute to track data on a network.
Course Fee: $25
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