ITS-2480 - Foundations of Data Science* (3) Prerequisite: CSC-1100 ; MTH-1015 The emergence of new data sources is transforming the role of the data scientist from one who simply reports information to one who is charged with making sense of the available data and distilling it for a given audience. This course emphasizes fundamental coursework on the standards and practices for collecting, organizing, managing, exploring, and using data. Topics include preparation, analysis, and visualization of data and creating analysis tools for larger data sets.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Identify and describe the methods and techniques commonly used in data science.
CO2 - Demonstrate proficiency with the methods and techniques for obtaining, organizing, exploring, and analyzing data.
CO3 - Recognize how data analysis, inferential statistics, modeling, machine learning, and statistical computing can be utilized in an integrated capacity.
CO4 - Create and modify customizable tools for data analysis and visualization per the evaluation of characteristics of the data and the nature of the analysis.
CO5 - Clean and prepare data for analysis and assemble data from a variety of sources.
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