EGR-1105 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering* (3) Prerequisite: EGR-1100 In this course, students will be introduced to topics within electrical and computer engineering. These topics include embedded systems, software, communications, control systems, electrodynamics, microelectronics, signal processing and power systems. Labs will be included introducing students to circuit simulation, digital systems, embedded systems, test equipment, and engineering analysis software. (EGR-1440 has been replaced by EGR-1105. Students required to take EGR-1440 should talk with an advisor prior to registering for EGR-1105.)
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Identify the components of an embedded system in order to analyze applications.
CO2 - Design software code to access ports, timers and data converters of a microcontroller in order to control external peripherals of an embedded system.
CO3 - Identify common circuit components in order to construct circuits.
CO4 - Utilize test equipment in order to analyze circuits.
CO5 - Use engineering software tools in order to design systems.
CO6 - Apply engineering software tools in order to simulate and analyze systems.
CO7 - Work cooperatively as part of a team to design systems and communicate results.
Course Fee: $60 - Electronics consumables, Electronics Lab Equipment Maintenance and Replacement
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