EDU-1085 - Processes and Acquisitions of Literacy* (3) Prerequisite: ENG-1010 or ENG-1010T This course is designed to provide teacher candidates and in-service teachers with the foundations related to literacy processes and acquisition. Effective literacy teaching begins with a deep understanding of the component processes associated with reading and writing and the ways that students develop into skilled and motivated readers and writers. The course is organized along five major themes: the component processes involved in reading and writing; the nature and structure of the English language; the ways that native English speakers and English learners differ in the ways they read and write; the developmental phases associated with learning to read and write for native English speakers and English learners; and the many factors that influence literacy development. Where appropriate, students in this course will also explore how to assess literacy processes and acquisition. Basic language skills are presumed, used, and evaluated. Meets MSDE requirements.
Students are responsible for having a current Federal and State criminal background check and a signed and notarized permission to examine records of abuse and neglect of children and adults as required by COMAR 13A.16 for this course on file with CSM and MSDE OCC. The additional cost for this process is the responsibility of the student.
List Course Outcomes (consistent for all sections) CO1 - Identify the component processes involved in reading and writing.
CO2 - Apply that knowledge to understand the reading and writing processes of native English speakers and English learners.
CO3 - Describe how key components of reading and writing processes develop and what biological, cognitive, linguistic and sociocultural factors may influence literacy development.
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